Getting started with OAuth2

Learn how to connect your application to Mapaprop webservices using OAuth2 protocol.

1. Register your application

Register you application within Mapaprop to obtain your credentials.

2. Obtain you access token

After your application is registered with Mapaprop you will be able to obtain an access token. This token will allow you to utilize our different APIs. Follow the steps below to obtain your token.

<aside> ℹ️ Token Expiration

Tokens will expire usually every 14 days. Everytime you get an HTTP 403 is probably because the token is expired and you will have to get another token (thru authorize or manually in


3. Start using our APIs

<aside> ❌ Image Downloads

Because costs in data transfer are pretty high today all images must be served from your hosts. In order to do that you will need to download images from our servers. To prevent misuse of images we need to know what user agent are you using to requests images or what IP range are you coming from. Contact Mapaprop to provide this information. We will block all anonymous and suspicious traffic. (user agent example is Company/Version like Mapaprop/1.2.3


4. Provide some information

Send us the following information by email to [email protected]:

