Getting started with Feeds API

Query thru thouands of properties from different countries to build your portal.

1. Obtain your access token

Register you application and Getting Started.

2. Basic workflow

We are trying to provide the quickest way to update the list of properties we can provide. A basic workflow should be something like:

  1. Day 1 of your app with us you call get-total to see the total number of properties we have.
  2. Once you know the total number of apps, start requesting data in batches of 1000 properties using get-properties. We throttle the amount of requests received so avoid making more than 2 concurrent calls to get the list of properties or you will start getting HTTP 503s errors.
  3. Now, day after day just call get-delta to ge the difference (added vs removed) for the following day and avoid re-reading large amounts of data. Note that the delta function has a date, so if you miss a day you can go back in time and ask what changed that particular date.

<aside> ❌ Image downloads

Because costs in data transfer are pretty high today all images must be serve from your hosts. In order to do that you will need to download images from our servers. To prevent misuse of images we need to know what user agent are you using to requests images or what IP range are you coming from. Contact Mapaprop to provide this information. We will block all anonymous and suspicious traffic. (user agent example is Company/Version like Mapaprop/1.2.3


3. Use the Feeds methods

After you get an access token from Mapaprop you will be able to access the Feeds API. Browse the different methods below