This is a list of links with some descriptions of our Realestate inventory. These links are intended for redirecting us traffic from your portal. Contact us if you want start consuming these feeds.

<aside> ℹ️ The feed generation is performed every day at 2 AM UTC



After you sign up for start consuming our feeds Mapaprop will provide you an Authorization token. This token must be sent in each request and an Authorization HTTP header in each feed request.

Authorization: Bearer MY_API_KEY

If you are getting a 403 error it means that your token expired. You will need to contact us to get back another token, or use our app to do it manually.

<aside> ❌ Image Downloads

Because costs in data transfer are pretty high today all images must be serve from your hosts. In order to do that you will need to download images from our servers. To prevent misuse of images we need to know what user agent are you using to requests images or what IP range are you coming from. Contact Mapaprop to provide this information. We will block all anonymous and suspicious traffic. (user agent example is Company/Version like Mapaprop/1.2.3


Browser services

GET /api/action/feed-static-v1/download