this web service is used to obtain the number of hits for a property.

Resource information
Authentication Required
Parameters Required
Response String

Resource URL


Parameters request.

Key Type Required Description
custId String yes the customer id identifier
propertyId String yes the property id identifier
brand String yes brand or system sending data
originId String yes originating portal sending the data
days String yes number of days from current date
originCountry String yes country code to store customer's local time

Parameters conditions

Example curl

curl --location '<>' \\
--header 'Authorization: cGFyYSBwcm9wZXJ0eSBhcGkgdGFtYmllbiBuZWNlc2l0YW1vcyB1bmEgY2xhdmUgYmllbiBidWVuYSAyMDIz'

Sample code

GET <> Host: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 0 Authorization: cGFyYSBwcm9wZXJ0eSBhcGkgdGFtYmllbiBuZWNlc2l0YW1vcyB1bmEgY2xhdmUgYmllbiBidWVuYSAyMDIz Parameters: custId=1(Number) propertyId=213251(Number) days=14(Number) originCountry=ar(String) originId=PatagonProp(String) brand=mapaprop(String)


The JSON returned depends on whether the execution was successful or gave an error during the execution.

Object Field Type Description
Response Data success String A json with the information of the user, the property and its hits.
Response Error error String A text indicating the exact error that occurred.

Sample code

Sample response for the get hits