Getting started with Feeds API

Query thru thousands of properties from different countries to build your own portal.

1. Obtain your access token

Register you application and get your access token here.

2. Basic workflow

Once you have your credentials setup you must start updating subscriptions of customers. To know what customers are in your network you can use GET /api/action/network-v1/get-customers method. You can get notified about new customers without having to call this method thru a webhook. To setup the webhook please contact us.

Now that you know the customers associated to your network you can start updating their subscriptions using the POST /api/action/network-v1/update-suscription. After you updated their subscription customers will be able to start publishing properties. Refer to the next step for that.

3. Browser services

4. User publications

<aside> ❌ Recent change

As Jan 25 2015 you must stop using GET /api/action/feed-v1/get-delta method and start using GET /api/action/feed-v1/get-delta-network for network properties.


Once the step 3 has been acomplished the Mapaprop user will be able to start publishing properties in the Network area. This properties will show up in the GET /api/action/feed-v1/get-properties method or GET /api/action/feed-v1/get-delta-network. You will have to do the delta by yourself between those publications that were added and removed.


POST /api/action/network-v1/update-suscription

GET /api/action/network-v1/get-customers