This service will return the list of properties for the customer

Resource information
Authentication Required
Response JSON
Version 1

Resource URL


Sample code

GET /api/action/portal-v2/properties/{country}/?operation=1&buildingStatus=5?currency=USD?tempOccupancy=2&dateFrom=20-02-2019&dateTo=28-02-2019 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 0
Authorization: Bearer ya29.1.AADtN_UxybTdjLw9jX6lg_branSjjsldiwjtek4q2WvfETzSrz7Q6loEYoJEWd1x4qvlpGw


Key Type Required Description
term string no A term that will try to match at least 3 characters in the zone, address or title of the property. Full text search capabilities.
country int/string yes the country from which the query is made Check available countries here
type int yes A type of property. ‣
operation int yes An operation of the property. ‣
from int yes The start record number.
size int yes The amount of records to bring in each query. Default Max is 20 - Limited
bedrooms int no The amount of bedrooms of the property
bathrooms int no The amount of bathrooms of the property
countryId int no The countryID of the property
stateId int no The state ID of the property
countyId int no The county ID of the property
cityId int no The city ID of the property
buildingStatus int no The physical condition of the building. ‣
tempOccupancy int no The number of people who can live in a property
dateFrom string no The date you want to arrive (format is "dd-MM-yyyy")
dateTo string no The date you want to leave (format is "dd-MM-yyyy")
priceFrom int no The minimum starting price to establish a search
priceTo int no the maximum price to establish a search
currency string no the currency of the property price. Max 3 chars, Min 2 Chars
brokerId int no The broker ID of the properties


A JSON document with the list of zones in a hierarchy where the customer has properties.

Object Field Type Required Description
Response took int yes How long the search took in milliseconds
total int yes How many total records are in the context of this search. You can paginate thru them
Filters Array of filters yes The list of filters in url
brokerId filter int The broker ID filter response
properties Array of Property yes The list of Property objects
Property propertyHash string yes A unique ID for the property
custId int yes The customer ID
timestamp string yes ISO8601 timestamp of when the property was created
lastUpdate string yes ISO8601 timestamp of when the property was last updated
code string yes A unique code of the property entered by the customer
branchId int yes The ID of the branch that this property is related to. ‣.
type string yes The translated description of the property type.  ‣
operation string yes The translated description of the property operation. ‣
propertyType string yes The id of the property type. ‣
propertyOperation int yes The id of the property operation. ‣
status string yes The translated description of the property status of the building. ‣
mainImage string no The url of the main thumbnail related to the property
currency string yes The currency symbol of the price of the property. ‣
price int yes The price of the property
expensesCurrencies string no The currency symbol of the monthly / yearly expenses of the property. ‣
expensesPrice int no The price of the monthly / yearly expenses of the property
taxCurrency string no The currency symbol of the monthly / yearly taxes of the property. ‣
taxPrice int no The price of the monthly / yearly taxes of the property
title string yes A title entered by the customer
address string yes The street address and number of the property
zipCode string yes The postal code of  the property location
zone string yes A friendly description combining from city (if available) to state
countryId int yes The ID of the property country location
stateId int yes The ID of the property state location. ‣
countyId int yes The ID of the property county location. ‣
cityId int no The ID of the property city location. ‣
countryId int yes The ID of the property country location. ‣
country string yes The name of the country
state string yes The name of the state
county string yes The name of the county or 2nd division location
city string no The name of the city / neighborhood or 3rd division
suspended boolean yes The publication has been suspended
reserved boolean yes The property has been reserved
rented boolean yes The property has been rented
sold boolean yes The property has been sold
description string yes The long description of the property
conditions string no The long conditions statement of the property. Usually related to payments
bedrooms int no Number of bedrooms of the property
ambiences int no Number of ambiences / spaces of the property
bathrooms int no Number of bathrooms of the property
dependencies int no Number of dependency rooms (extra rooms)
occupancy int no Number of occupants (generally if this is a temp rental)
toilettes int no Number of toilettes (half bathrooms) in the property
buildingArea int no Square meters of the built area
landArea int no Square meters of the land of the property
yearsOld int no How old the property is
ubication string no The property cardinal ubication in the building
totalFloors int no The total floors in the building
apartmentsPerFloor int no The amount of apartments per floor
airConditionerType string no Type of air conditioner.
waterHeaterType string no Type of water heater.
heatingType string no Type of heating appliances.
balconyType string no Type of balcony.
garage int no The total garages of the property
garageType string no Type of garage.
images Array of Image no Array of Image object
location Location yes Location object
Location lon string yes Longitude location of the property
lat string yes Latitude location of the property
Image image string yes URL for image
thumbnail string yes URL for the thumbail
orientation int yes Orientation of the image. 1 = PORTRAIT, 2 = LANDSCAPE
type int yes Type of image. 1 = PHOTO, 2 = BLUEPRINT
contentType string yes The image content type
timestamp string yes The ISO8601 timestamp of when the image was uploaded
Labels labels Array of labels no The labels / amenities of properties - ‣
Object Field Type Required Description
Filters bedrooms int no The number of bedrooms in the property
size int yes The size of property response
from int yes property query start
tempOccupancy int no Temporary occupancy status of the property.
dateTo date no The end date for a specific period of availability.
dateFrom date no The start date for a specific period of availability.
buildingStatus int no The status of the building (for example, like new, under construction, finished).
city zone0Id int no The ID of the country
zone3Id int no The ID of the zone3
zone1Id int no The ID of the zone1
zone2Id int no The ID of the zone2
description string no The description of the zone3
county zone0Id int no The ID of the country
zone1Id int no The ID of the zone1
zone2Id int no The ID of the zone2
description string no The description of the zone2
state zone0Id int no The ID of the country
zone1Id int no The ID of the zone1
description string no The description of the zone1
country zone0Id int no The ID of the country
description string no The description of the zone0
type id int yes The ID of the property type.
name string yes The name of the property type (e.g., house)
operation id int yes The ID of the property operation
name string yes The name of the property operation (e.g., sale, rent).
searchInfo searchInfo JSON yes current search information
removed removed List no list of removed filters

Sample response

  "took": 11,
  "total": 197,
  "searchInfo": {
      "removed": [
      "searchType": "alternativeSearch",
      "comment": "No se encontraron resultados para la búsqueda con el filtro 'zone3'. Mostrando resultados con los filtros alternativos."
   "filters": {
        "bedrooms": "1",
        "size": "20",
        "tempOccupancy": "2",
        "dateTo": "28-02-2019",
        "from": "1",
        "state": {
            "zone0Id": 1,
            "description": "Buenos Aires",
            "zone1Id": 2
        "country": {
            "zone0Id": 1,
            "description": "Argentina",

        "dateFrom": "20-02-2019",
        "type": {
            "name": "Departamento",
            "id": "1"
        "operation": {
            "name": "Alquiler Temporario",
            "id": "3"
        "buildingStatus": "6"
  "properties": [
      "country": "Argentina",
	  "custId": 123,
      "heatingType": "Estufas",
      "occupancy": 2,
      "waterHeaterType": "Termotanque",
      "landArea": 200,
      "county": "Chilecito",
      "buildingArea": 120,
      "ubication": "Lateral",
      "cityId": 4011,
      "type": "Departamento",
      "propertyType": "Departamento",
      "apartmentsPerFloor": 3,
      "zone": "Colonia Malligasta, Chilecito, La Rioja, Argentina",
      "price": 2500,
      "airConditionerType": "Split/Ventana",
      "state": "La Rioja",
      "branchId": 23443,
      "images": [
          "image": "<>",
          "thumbnail": "<>",
          "orientation": 1,
          "imageId": 234432,
          "main": true,
          "type": 1,
          "contentType": "image/jpeg",
          "timestamp": "2015-11-18T22:47:53Z"
          "image": "<>",
          "thumbnail": "<>",
          "orientation": 2,
          "imageId": 234,
          "main": false,
          "type": 1,
          "contentType": "image/jpeg",
          "timestamp": "2015-11-18T22:48:23Z"
      "bathrooms": 1,
      "suspended": false,
      "dependencies": 3,
      "labels": [
      "bedrooms": 2,
      "ambiences": 2,
      "balconyType": "Terraza",
      "yearsOld": 2,
      "reserved": false,
      "lastUpdate": "2017-11-01T06:40:40.000-04:00",
      "paymentPeriod": "Por mes",
      "conditions": "•\\tAlquiler pago mes a mes. •\\tDepósito de 1 mes de alquiler. •\\tComisión inmobiliaria. ",
      "status": "A Refaccionar",
      "code": "1687-paunero.lasheras-102apt",
      "expensesCurrency": "USD",
      "city": "Colonia Malligasta",
      "description": "Muy luminoso departamento muy bien ubicado en Palermo - Gran balcón - Totalmente amoblado - Gran Sofa - Cocina completamente equipada - Cama grande - baño completo - Tv con Cable - Wifi - Todo INCLUIDO",
      "alternativePrices": [],
      "title": "Hermoso y muy Luminoso depto ubicado en Palermo",
      "totalFloors": 2,
      "countryId": 1,
      "toilettes": 2,
      "seoUrl": "alquiler-temporario-de-departamento-en-colonia-malligasta234-la-rioja-16e87-344",
      "rented": false,
      "expensesPrice": 322,
      "countyId": 561,
      "hightlight": {},
      "currency": "ARS",
      "timestamp": "2015-11-18T00:00:00.000-05:00",
      "sold": true,
      "orientation": "NORTE",
      "address": "Paunero ",
      "zipCode": "1661",
      "stateId": 12,
      "propertyHash": "9cd969ac3a4623sdffd2cfeea1abab7",
      "mainImage": "<>",
      "taxCurrency": "USD",
	  "garage": 2,
      "garageType": "Garage Cubierto",
      "taxPrice": 329032,
      "location": {
        "lon": "-58.409215670639014",
        "lat": "-34.58256378363613"
      "operation": "Alquiler Temporario",
      "propertyOperation": "Alquiler Temporario",
			"attributes": [
                    "group_sub": "label",
                    "country": "ar",
                    "key_legacy": "electricity",
                    "group_subtype": "services",
                    "id": "electricity",
                    "label": "Electricidad",
                    "locale": "es_AR",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "group": "propertyAttribute",
                    "status": true
                    "group_sub": "label",
                    "country": "ar",
                    "key_legacy": "grill",
                    "group_subtype": "ammenities",
                    "id": "grill",
                    "label": "Parrilla",
                    "locale": "es_AR",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "group": "propertyAttribute",
                    "status": true
                    "group_sub": "label",
                    "country": "ar",
                    "key_legacy": "laundryMachine",
                    "group_subtype": "ammenities",
                    "id": "laundry-machine",
                    "label": "Lavarropas",
                    "locale": "es_AR",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "group": "propertyAttribute",
                    "status": true
                    "group_sub": "label",
                    "country": "ar",
                    "key_legacy": "professionalAvailable",
                    "group_subtype": "extras",
                    "id": "professional-available",
                    "label": "Apto profesional",
                    "locale": "es_AR",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "group": "propertyAttribute",
                    "status": true
                    "group_sub": "label",
                    "country": "ar",
                    "key_legacy": "hasSecurity",
                    "group_subtype": "services",
                    "id": "security",
                    "label": "Seguridad",
                    "locale": "es_AR",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "group": "propertyAttribute",
                    "status": true
                    "group_sub": "label",
                    "country": "ar",
                    "key_legacy": "sewers",
                    "group_subtype": "services",
                    "id": "sewers",
                    "label": "Cloacas",
                    "locale": "es_AR",
                    "type": "bool",
                    "group": "propertyAttribute",
                    "status": true